b'Cuba DiscoveryViales, Playa Larga, Trinidad,Matanzas, HavanaJourney through Viales, Cienfuegos, Trinidad, MatanzasSunday - MondayTRINIDAD and Havana to meet friendly Cubans who share with youDrive via Playa Giron, stop in Cienfuegos and continue to their way of life, their talents and their ingenuity. ImmerseTrinidad for two nights. yourself in the extraordinary tapestry of cultural and nat-ural treasures; the vibrant sights, sounds and flavors as youStroll the cobblestone streets while meeting artists and discover Cuba. artisans in Colonial Trinidad de Cuba and learn the history and evolution of the sugar industry in the Valley of the Sugar Mills 10 nights|Arrivals in Havana, drive to Vinales, 2 nights; Playa Larga, 1 Night; Trinidad 2 nights; Matanzas, 2 nights;Tuesday - WednesdayMATANZAS Havana, 3 nights Drive to the northern coast of Cuba to the city of Matanzas, known for its fascinating blend of history, natural beauty, and artistic allure.Thursday - FridayVIALESVisit a permaculture community project that protects the Arrive Havana by 10 AM and depart to Vinales for twoland over one of the largest cave systems in the Caribbean, nights in privately owned B&Bs. Bellamar Caves, and explore the caves crystal formations. In Vinales, a tobacco farmer takes you through the processMeet renowned artists in their riverfront galleries and visit a of growing tobacco and turning it into Cubas famous cigarshistoric pharmacy museum. and an exclusive pairing experience highlight the unique characteristics of Cubas finest cigars. Visit a family-ownedThursday - SaturdayHAVANA botanical garden. Enjoy a farm to table lunch at an organicExplore Havanas rich history, its well-preserved colonialfarm. Delight in a rum and cigar pairing experience.architecture in the UNESCO World Heritage-listed Old Havana. Delight in the citys cultural heritage - a captivating fusion SaturdayPLAYA LARGAof Afro-Cuban, Spanish and Caribbean influences - its Drive to Playa Larga, for one night in a privately owned B&B. vibrant music scene, traditional rhythms, and thriving art galleries. Experience enriching exchanges as you support A presentation by a local Cuban naturalist on La Cienega deindividual Cubans who take pride in sharing their culture, Zapata describes this importance of the Zapata wetlands traditions and stories with you as you immerse yourself in ecology and the species of birds and wildlife it harbors.the vibrant rhythms, colors and tastes of Havana andexperience all that Cubas largest city has to offer.4 Conservancy Travel|conservancytravel.orgFor detailed day-by-day itineraries, please visit www.conservancytravel.org/cuba'